Specialized Training for Data Center Excellence
Data Center – General Principles
A fundamental overview of the essential terminologies, trades, key concepts, standards, trends, and best practices in the data center.
Data Center Design & Implementation according to EN 50600 & ISO/IEC 22237
Best practices for designing and implementing data centers according to EN 50600 & ISO/IEC 22237
Data Center Operations – Professional
Best practices and case studies provide a deep understanding of the necessary processes and systems to operate a data center efficiently and effectively.
DEEP DIVE – Energy supply & air conditioning in accordance to EN 50600
Best practices and case studies provide a deep understanding of the two major trades in the data center.
Data Center Migration – from existing to new build (IT)
Navigate safely through the complex journey of data center migration.
Data Center Sustainability & Efficiency
Legal foundations, criteria catalogs, developments, and technical solutions
UPDATE – EN 50600 - ISO/IEC 22237-x
The most important changes and differences from the previous standards of the EN 50600 series as well as the major differences between the European and international versions
Data Center Passport
Basic understanding of data centers, structure, components, and trades. Orientation and behavioral guidelines for working in data centers.